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Bidder Code resetdigital Member no
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter yes
Media Types display, video Multi Format Support will-bid-on-any
TCF-EU Support yes IAB GVL ID 1162
GPP Support check with bidder DSA Support check with bidder
USP/CCPA Support yes COPPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals yes
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support check with bidder
User IDs check with bidder ORTB Blocking Support check with bidder
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder Prebid Server App Support yes


Prebid adapter for Reset Digital requires approval and account setup, please contact us at Video is supported but requires a publisher supplied renderer at this time.

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
pubId required Publisher Account ID provided by ResetDigital '123pubId' string
siteID optional Publisher Site ID '123siteId' string
zoneId optional Used for extra fields {} object
zoneId.placementId optional ID used for reporting purposes "<id>" string optional Deal IDs comma-separated "deal123,deal456" string
zoneId.test optional Flag to force bidder response with a creative 1 integer
forceBid optional Returns test bid true boolean
position optional Override the Prebid.js page position. Valid values are “atf” and “btf”. 'atf' string
inventory optional This parameter allows the definition of an object defining arbitrary key-value pairs concerning the page for use in targeting. The values must be arrays of strings. {"rating":["5-star"],"prodtype":["tech","mobile"]} object
visitor optional This parameter allows the definition of an object defining arbitrary key-value pairs concerning the visitor for use in targeting. The values must be arrays of strings. {"ucat":["new"], "search":["iphone"]} object
keywords optional This can be used to influence reports for client-side display. To get video or server-side reporting, please use First Party data or the inventory/visitor parameters. ["travel", "tourism"] Array<string>
bidFloor optional Override the Prebid.js bid floor – no bids will be made under this value. 0.50 float
latLong optional Override the Prebid.js latitude and longitude for the visitor. [40.7608, 111.8910] Array<float>

The following video parameters are supported here so publishers may fully declare their video inventory:

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required instream or outstream “outstream” string
playerSize required width, height of the player in pixels [640,360] - will be translated to w and h in bid request array
mimes required List of content MIME types supported by the player (see openRTB v2.5 for options) [“video/mp4”] array
protocols required Supported video bid response protocol values
1: VAST 1.0
2: VAST 2.0
3: VAST 3.0
4: VAST 1.0 Wrapper
5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper
6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper
7: VAST 4.0
8: VAST 4.0 Wrapper
[2,3,5,6] array
api required Supported API framework values:
1: VPAID 1.0
2: VPAID 2.0
3: MRAID-1
5: MRAID-2
[2] array
linearity required OpenRTB2 linearity. 1: linear (in-stream ad), 2: non-linear (overlay ad) 1 integer
maxduration recommended Maximum video ad duration in seconds. 30 integer
minduration recommended Minimum video ad duration in seconds 6 integer
playbackmethod recommended Playback methods that may be in use. Only one method is typically used in practice. (see openRTB v2.5 section 5.10 for options) [2] array
skip optional Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1 integer
skipafter optional Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable. 6 integer
minbitrate optional Minimum bit rate in Kbps. 300 integer
maxbitrate optional Maximum bit rate in Kbps. 9600 integer
startdelay recommended Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements.
>0: Mid-Roll (value indicates start delay in second)
0: Pre-Roll
-1: Generic Mid-Roll
-2: Generic Post-Roll
0 integer
placement recommended Placement type for the impression. (see openRTB v2.5 section 5.9 for options) 1 integer

Code Examples

Define the ad units for banner ads:

var adUnits = [
        code: 'your-div', // Replace with the actual ad unit code``
        mediaTypes: {
            banner: {
                sizes: [[300, 250]] // Define the sizes for banner ads
        bids: [
                bidder: "resetdigital",
                params: {
                    pubId: "your-pub-id", // Replace with your publisher ID
                    siteID: "your-site-id", // Replace with your site ID
                    endpoint: '', // Optional: Endpoint URL for the ad server
                    forceBid: true, // Optional parameter to force the bid
                    zoneId: {
                        placementId: "abc123", // Optional ID used for reports
                        deals: "deal123,deal456", // Optional string of deal IDs, comma-separated
                        test: 1 // Set to 1 to force the bidder to respond with a creative

Video Ad Unit

Define the ad units for video ads

var videoAdUnits = [
        code: 'your-div', // Replace with the actual video ad unit code
        mediaTypes: {
            video: {
                playerSize: [640, 480] // Define the player size for video ads
        bids: [
                bidder: "resetdigital",
                params: {
                    pubId: "your-pub-id", // (required) Replace with your publisher ID
                    site_id: "your-site-id", // Replace with your site ID
                    forceBid: true, // Optional parameter to force the bid
                    zoneId: { // (optional) Zone ID parameters
                        placementId: "<id>", // Optional ID used for reports
                        deals: "<deal ids>", // Optional string of deal IDs, comma-separated
                        test: 1 // Set to 1 to force the bidder to respond with a creative

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_resetdigital hb_bidder_resetdigit hb_adid_resetdigital
hb_size_resetdigital hb_source_resetdigit hb_format_resetdigit
hb_cache_host_resetd hb_cache_id_resetdig hb_uuid_resetdigital
hb_cache_path_resetd hb_deal_resetdigital

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