This module loads a dynamically generated JavaScript from

WURFL RTD Submodule


The WURFL RTD module enriches the OpenRTB 2.0 device data with WURFL data. The module sets the WURFL data in device.ext.wurfl and all the bidder adapters will always receive the low entry capabilites like is_mobile, complete_device_name and form_factor.

For a more detailed analysis bidders can subscribe to detect iPhone and iPad models and receive additional WURFL device capabilities.

User-Agent Client Hints

WURFL.js is fully compatible with Chromium’s User-Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) initiative. If User-Agent Client Hints are absent in the HTTP headers that WURFL.js receives, the service will automatically fall back to using the User-Agent Client Hints’ JS API to fetch high entropy client hint values from the client device. However, we recommend that you explicitly opt-in/advertise support for User-Agent Client Hints on your website and delegate them to the WURFL.js service for the fastest detection experience. Our documentation regarding implementing User-Agent Client Hint support is available here.



gulp build --modules="wurflRtdProvider,appnexusBidAdapter,..."  


Use setConfig to instruct Prebid.js to initilize the WURFL RTD module, as specified below.

This module is configured as part of the realTimeData.dataProviders

var TIMEOUT = 1000;
    realTimeData: {
        auctionDelay: TIMEOUT,
        dataProviders: [{
            name: 'wurfl',
            waitForIt: true,
            params: {
                debug: false


Name Type Description Default
name String Real time data module name Always ‘wurfl’
waitForIt Boolean Should be true if there’s an auctionDelay defined (optional) false
params Object    
params.altHost String Alternate host to connect to WURFL.js  
params.debug Boolean Enable debug false


To view an example of how the WURFL RTD module works :

gulp serve --modules=wurflRtdProvider,appnexusBidAdapter

and then point your browser at:
